Christian Humanism Challenged by poverty, inequality and injustice
Berlín, 24-25 de octubre de 2016.
Pope Francis, among other religious authorities, has called on business leaders around the world to spread a new mindset in business that includes the poor and the marginalized. He deplores inequality and injustice. These terms and concepts pose an intellectual challenge as well as an appeal to practical realization. This conference will concentrate on the intellectual side and hopes to stimulate reflection on programs of action and education of private and public solidarity.
You can download the guidelines for publication here.
Tentative Topics
The following questions, among others, might be addressed at this conference:
- Meaning and dimensions of poverty.
- Theological and philosophical aspects of justice and equality in business and social life.
- Does the “option for the poor” make sense as a social principle for economic activity?
- What is the connection, if any, between justice and equality and the economic function of the market?
- In particular, what is the place of the principle of equality in the free economy?
- How can free markets be articulated in such a way that they become inclusive?
- How do ideologies favor or prevent the integration of the marginalized into the free market?
- What can we learn from Catholic Social Teaching on the proposed topic?
- What foundations can be provided for the integration of solidarity and sustainability into the free market?
- How can love for the poor be integrated into business education?
- Under what regulatory conditions is capitalism acceptable in the current historical context?
- When do financial markets help overcome poverty?
- How can free markets, integrated with solidarity and ecological concern, contribute to alleviating poverty?
- How can practical corporate involvement be implemented in poor communities?
- What can we learn from corporate volunteering for the poor?
- Which are the current tendencies of the Bottom of the Pyramid-oriented business?
Special tracks or workshops
shop 1: Migration: a global challenge. From emergency help to welcome andintegration initiatives. Organizator: Silvia Tassarotti, Community of Sant’Egidio.
This workshop will discuss practical experiences of welcome and integration of refugees in other countries, the role of religions and inter-religious dialogue, and how migration calls for more Christian responsibility as requested by Pope Francis.
Workshop 2: How Assumptions about the Human Condition affect Social Theory about Economic Inequality, its Causes and Solutions. Organizators: Dr. Alejandro Cañadas and Dr. John Larrivee, Mount St. Mary’s University School of Business.
September 15, 2016: Deadline for receiving full papers. An abstract of about 250 words should be included. Length suggested for papers is about 7000 (max. 10,000 words). The best contributions will be published. Please follow the guidelines for submissions published here.
The official language of the Symposium is English.
Please send proposals via email: