This year’s EBEN Research Conference will take place in Copenhagen, October 1- 3. The conference theme is “Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics”. We will focus on the theoretical foundations of business ethics, and in particular on the philosophy of management. This implies identifying and discussing conflicts as well as agreement with regard to the philosophical and other foundations of business and management.
Track proposals
In addition to our already established tracks for paper presentations we invite participants to propose their own tracks. A track proposal should consist of 1-2 pages presentation of the track and proposals could also consist of suggested participants for paper presentations with titles. Accepted track proposers may invite additional speakers to participate in the tracks. Tracks may be proposed as panel discussions or more traditional paper presentations. Track proposals should should be submitted by March 30, 2015.
Paper submissions
We accept the following types of submissions: academic papers, abstracts, practitioner contributions, panel proposals, doctoral workshops, and full papers for possible publication in a special issue of Business & Society Review. Other Special issues for journals may follow.
All submissions are due on May 1, 2015.
Please follow the submission guidelines when submitting your paper. The guidelines can be found here. Please, do not email your submissions directly to the organizers and/or track convener.
Further information
Information about deadlines for tack proposals, paper submissions, registration and payment: ‘deadlines‘
Other details about the conference can be found on the conference website
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Copenhagen October 2015!
Jacob Dahl Rendtorff
Dr. scient. adm. & ph.d.
Visiting professor, Copenhagen Business School & Associate professor, Roskilde University