European Business Ethics Network EBEN Annual Conference 2017 “Searching for Sustainability in Future Working Life”
La próxima conferencia anual de EBEN Europa tendrá lugar los días 14 y 16 de Junio en Finlandia, organizado por la University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä. El tema de la conferencia será “Searching for Sustainability in Future Working Life”
European Business Ethics Network EBEN Annual Conference 2017
The theme of the conference is “Searching for Sustainability in Future Working Life”.
Much of the discussion around sustainability has focused on the environmental aspect. In this conference we aim to extend the discussion to include other aspects of sustainability, especially in the context of future working life, its organizing, managing and leadership. Working life is facing significant social, technological, cultural, economic and environmental changes. We want to explore the meaning of these changes and their challenges to private and other organizations, their management and leadership.
The range of possible topics includes, but is not limited to, the following themes from the perspective of working life: workforce diversity, intersectionality, inclusion and equality, 24/7 demands, work-life/family integration, work wellbeing and quality of life, development of human and social capital, organizational change, renewal and culture, labor and human rights concerns, responsibility/ethics in leadership and HRM, good governance, human and social aspects of accounting, social/organizational innovation and social enterprise, ethical challenges of digitalization/social media, stakeholder engagement and value creation, (e-)learning/teaching and business ethics, climate change and other environmental challenges.
The 2017 EBEN Annual Conference will be preceded by a one-day workshop for doctoral students on June 13, 2017.
The extended deadline for submissions is March 8, 2017.
The conference is organized in cooperation between the WeAll Research Consortium ‘Social and Economic Sustainability of Future Working Life: Policies, Equalities and Intersectionalities in Finland’ (funded by the programme Equality in Society, Strategic Funding of the Academy of Finland, n:o 292883), the University of Jyväskylä School of Business and Economics, the University of Tampere School of Management, and the Finnish Chapter of the European Business Ethics Network EBEN.
More information:
European Business Ethics Network EBEN Annual Conference 14-16 June,2017